EHRs can help your practice run efficiently and simplify processes for clients while eliminating paperwork management, maintenance, and storage challenges....
F words can be tricky for young clients. Our tips to teaching the /f/ sound will have your clients articulating the toughest tongue twister in no time....
The DAYC-2 is a reliable assessment tool that special educators and occupational therapists commonly use. See the domains that are assessed with the DAYC-2....
Animal-assisted therapy is used to treat mental health conditions including anxiety, depression and PTSD. Learn more about its techniques and effectiveness....
If you’ve reached a point in your career where you feel inspired to open a private physical therapy practice, we have the blueprint to help you get established....
Z words can be tricky. See our tips and effective therapy exercises to elicit the /z/ sound from your clients and they will be buzzing around in no time!...
Private therapy practice launch and management involves planning. Build and run your practice considering the legal, business and marketing aspects....
S words can be challenging for children to pronounce and difficulty can affect children on several levels. See activities and lists to help your clients....