TheraPlatform Customer Spotlight : Pacific Health Group

Pacific Health Group switches to TheraPlatform EHR and saves time on billing and admin

Dr. Kirlos Guerguis


Dr. Kirlos Guerguis is the Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer for Pacific Health Group, a multi state mental health service organization providing housing, transportation, and mental health services to communities in California, Michigan and New York. Pacific Health Group employs six billers and is growing rapidly.

Dr. Guerguis has 30 years experience working for healthcare organizations including developing a comprehensive electronic health record system for Los Angeles County.

Reasons for switching EHR to TheraPlatform

An outdated billing system, limited telehealth capabilities and lack of customization are just a few of the reasons Dr. Guerguis set out to find a new EHR for the California-based Pacific Health Group.

“The antiquated system was cumbersome, difficult to navigate, not technologically advanced and lacked improvements and updates,” he said of the previous system used at PHG.

Bogged down by lagging technology and complicated workflows, PHG needed a modern, technologically advanced system that would be easier to use and help with streamlining the admin work.

“Billing was so horrendous on the old system,” he said.

Simplistic Telehealth capabilities and lack of customization were other motivators in seeking to switch from their previous system.

Dr. Kirlos Guerguis
Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Location: California

"Billing can be very, very cumbersome and very complicated. TheraPlatform helped us streamline a lot of this billing and frankly, made us ahead of the competition."

- Dr. Kirlos Guerguis

Why the company chose TheraPlatform

After reviewing seven different EHRs, Dr. Guerguis chose TheraPlatform because of its advanced technology, sleek design, easy navigation, solid insurance billing capabilities that includes batching and automation, robust Telehealth, great customization capabilities, and professional and responsive customer support.

Billing automation

What drew Dr. Guerguis and his billing department to TheraPlatform was their solid technology for insurance billing, automation and the ability to view CMS-1500 as needed.

Dr. Guerguis notes that “billing can be very, very cumbersome and very complicated. TheraPlatform helped us streamline a lot of this billing and frankly made us ahead of the competition,” he said.

Candace Shonia, PHG’s billing director, reported that she has worked on nine different EHRs in her career to bill insurance and TherePlatform is her favorite system.

She appreciates billing automation and the To-Do feature that shows her billing department what billing tasks need to be completed and if there is anything missing billing wise (e.g. like un-invoiced session, etc.).

She noted that receiving daily email notification of what needs to be completed and the color-coded calendar with icons notifying about the status of different tasks (like if therapy note, invoice and claim were created) has helped her billing department save time as they don’t need to go over each chart to find out, what is needed or missing. All tasks are centralized and viewed at the glance.

“It saves us a tremendous amount of time as opposed to clicking individually on each one (chart).....What used to take two days, let's say for 2 to 3 care coordinators or lead care managers now would take us likely a day or a day and a half,” she said.

Enhanced teletherapy

In addition to TheraPlatform’s comprehensive billing capabilities, Dr. Guerguis said the robust teletherapy experience was a driving force behind choosing the platform.

“On the clinical side, there’s nobody matched in terms of effective telehealth delivery. No one does games like Ther (Platform) does,” he said. “You can share videos, you do the games … you can go through handouts virtually. So that's a big thing right now. Many, many other platforms are just … ‘here's you and I in the session’ and that's all you get. You don't get any of the extra stuff,” he said.

Flexible documentation

Additionally, Dr. Guerguis also said that they were impressed with TheraPlatform’s flexibility and customization when it came to documentation and communication.

“I do love the backend feature where we can always upload any kind of documentation and it's pretty quick and it's easy to read PDF. So that's a biggie for us because we do get a lot of documentation that's either from the health plans concerning the member or their eligibility, etc.,” Guerguis said.

He also appreciates the ability to access the information from a single location.

Customization keep clients and staff engaged

On the client side, he says he values the ability to customize emails to clients.

“You'd be surprised that EMRs don't allow customization, what goes out to the members. Because … when members are dealing with behavioral health issues, it's difficult for them sometimes to stay up-to-date or want to log on to a patient portal. So having customized emails and text messages. That's huge for us,” he said.

He said clients seem to appreciate the feature as well.

Responsiveness and customer service

While the features were the initial draw of TheraPlatform, Dr. Guerguis also values the customer service and the TheraPlatform’s commitment to constant software updates and new features.

“We truly appreciate all the updates that have recently come out and I, I feel like they've been accommodating us tremendously,” he said.

He said in his experience some software companies update features bi-annually or quarterly and stop there, but TheraPlatfrom does it monthly and they listen to their customer’s feedback.

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