Transference is when a client places thoughts and feelings they possess regarding other people onto the therapist. Learn how to recognize it and how to use it in a therapeutic way. ...
The 8-minute rule allows therapists to bill for a specific timed service. Learn when it starts, how it works, and time-based vs. service-based codes....
Moral reconation therapy (MRT) is a cognitive-behavioral treatment with a focus on moral reasoning. This blog will cover its steps; goals; stages of moral reasoning; techniques of MRT, research around it....
Speech Language therapists will learn what Augmentative Alternative Communication is, its benefits and challenges, common AAC devices and apps and CEUs....
Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder ICD 10 is one of the most common ICD-10 codes used by SLPs and this blog will review what exactly F80.2 code is; how to use it and when not to use this code and how to keep up with changes to ICD 10 codes....
CDC updated and published developmental milestones in the American Academy of Pediatrics for their 'Learn the Signs, Act Early' program. See the changes....
As a dietitian, you have the flexibility to explore multiple business streams. These may include traditional individual counseling, as well as group sessions, freelance writing, nutrition courses, and recipes. People want the expertise you can offer. You can reach them in many different ways....
The No Surprises Act aims to protect consumers from high medical bills by asking providers to present consumers with an estimate of potential prices....
Britney Smith, Director of Telehealth for the Shandy Clinic a Colorado-based pediatric therapy practice, joins Claudia Garofalo live on the Loving Living Local lifestyle TV program to discuss the challenges of working from home, isolation, and telehealth....