Support for therapists in private practice is essential to the success of a business. Learn how to find the best lawyers, accountants and IT pros for your practice....
Many therapists in private practice notice two low seasons. Discover the best ways to take advantage of the gaps in your schedule to work on your business....
Therapy business entities and determining how to structure a business are among the most important decisions therapists make when building a practice....
Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy is a multifaceted process work done in the therapy room as well as at home. Learn how this might benefit your clients....
Cognitive Processing Therapy is an offshoot of cognitive-behavioral therapy and targets dysfunctional beliefs. Find out more about CPT's phases and if it works....
Berg Balance Scale is commonly used to assess balance and fall risk in older adult populations. But are there downsides to using this test? Find out!...
Dynamic assessments are an important component of an SLP's role in understanding a client’s speech and language skills. Learn how to best use them....
The different types of difficult clients in therapy can present challenges for even the most experienced and skilled therapists. Get tips for dealing....