Group therapy notes require more work than individual therapy notes. Get tips for writing group therapy notes efficiently for this growing area of mental health....
The Adult Sensory Profile is a self-report, norm-referenced tool used to identify a client's sensory processing patterns. Learn more about ASP and alternatives....
The Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology, 2nd Edition (CAAP-2) is a tool for articulation and phonology. Learn how to apply CAAP-2 as an SLP....
Solo practice vs. group practice is one of the questions therapists consider as they evaluate next steps in their careers. See the pros and cons of each....
Couples therapy notes has unique features that can make it a complicated task. Discover what to include in the various note sections to make these notes easier....
Non-assessment techniques provide a holistic evaluation of a speech therapy client's strengths and difficulties. See our guide of non-assessment techniques....
The Stroke Impact Scale is a self-report questionnaire that considers the point of view of the client. Learn more about its domains, pros and cons and more....
White board activities are an effective way to engage therapy clients during in-person or teletherapy sessions. See the best modalities for white boarding....
Test of Narrative Language - 2nd Edition (TNL-2) is a norm-referenced tool that measures a child’s narrative language abilities. Get tips for using the TNL-2....
The Kawa model is an occupational therapy framework that uses the Japanese metaphor of a river (Kawa) to learn about a client. Find out more about using Kawa....