Speech Therapy 

CELF-5 or the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - 5th Edition is a standardized language assessment used to evaluate several areas of a child’s expressive and receptive language skills.
It’s essential for speech therapists who complete language evaluations for children to be familiar with administering the most commonly used assessments.
By analyzing and interpreting a child’s results on the CELF-5, speech-language pathologists can identify language disorders in children between the ages of 5 and 21 years old.
SLPs can use the results of the CELF-5 to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a child’s language abilities. The child’s strengths and areas of difficulty on the assessment are used to set therapy goals and develop intervention strategies. A client’s progress in therapy is measured in part by comparing the results of periodic re-assessments using the CELF-5.
Here we’ll dive into the subtests that make up the CELF-5, how SLPs can interpret and apply the assessment results to therapy planning, and more. Let’s start with a brief overview on the recommended practices for completing a language assessment.
Overview of language assessments
A comprehensive language assessment helps an SLP accurately identify whether a client has a language disorder.
By accurately interpreting the standardized assessment results, the clinician determines specific strengths and weaknesses within a client’s receptive and expressive language skills.
Through a complete language assessment, the SLP can develop a personalized treatment plan and monitor a client’s progress. Speech therapists can also use the results of a language assessment to collaborate with parents, teachers, and other professionals working with the client. Parents and professionals can use the results to advocate for services that a client needs.
SLPs should consider these factors when completing a language assessment:
- Age: Look at age-specific developmental milestones. The standardized tests must be normed with children that match the client’s age.
- Cultural and linguistic background: Consider a child’s exposure to multiple languages and cultural differences in communication styles.
- Strengths and difficulties: Take into account a client’s skills in specific domains of language, such as morphology, syntax, and semantics to help identify potential goals and treatment strategies.
- Behavior: To determine whether test results accurately reflect the child’s abilities, ask parents if a child’s behavior during an evaluation appeared typical for them.
- Context and environment: In addition to a formal assessment, informal observations are used to gain an understanding of a client’s language skills. SLPs might consider assessing a client’s skills across various environments (such as school and home) to determine if and how they differ.
- Caregiver’s concerns: It’s crucial to conduct a thorough interview with caregivers to determine their concerns and goals for treatment.
The CELF-5 yields scores in receptive and expressive language skills that can provide critical information to a speech therapist completing a comprehensive language assessment.
What does the CELF-5 test for?
The CELF-5 is a standardized assessment that consists of several subtests which measure various aspects of an individual’s receptive and expressive language abilities.
Speech therapists can use clinical judgment in determining whether to administer all subtests or only the ones that address a specific concern or reason the client was referred for an evaluation.
These 16 subtests include:
- Observational rating scale
- Sentence comprehension
- Linguistic concepts
- Word structure
- Word classes
- Following directions
- Formulated sentences
- Recalling sentences
- Understanding spoken paragraphs
- Word definitions
- Sentence assembly
- Semantic relationships
- Reading comprehension
- Structured writing
- Pragmatics profile
- Pragmatics activities checklist
Can the CELF-5 be administered online?
Pearson offers a printed version and a digital version of the CELF-5. The printed version includes 2 test easels, record forms, and an examiner’s manual.
The digital version of the CELF-5 administration (Q-global) includes a digital stimulus book used when administering the test via teletherapy. A paper record form is used, with scores the SLP can enter online to take advantage of automatic scoring for receptive language subtests.
A second digital version of the CELF-5 administration, Q-interactive, offers web-based administration and scoring using two iPads. One iPad captures the client’s responses, and the other iPad is used to display the test stimuli to the client.
To administer the test, start by reviewing the examiner’s manual thoroughly.
Then administer the CELF-5 based on the instructions and includes following specific protocols when administering each subtest. For example, repetitions of prompts are allowed on some subtests but not others. SLPs should also note the basal and ceiling outlined for each individual subtest.
The client’s responses are recorded by the SLP, allowing the clinician to calculate raw scores. The tables in the CELF-5 manual convert these scores to standard scores and percentile ranks.
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What is considered average on the CELF-5?
Each subtest on the CELF-5 will yield a standard score and measures the client’s performance compared to the normative sample of other children their age.
The mean score is 100, with a standard deviation of 15, meaning that standard scores between 85-115 are within the normal range.
You can calculate the level of severity for delayed skills according to how many deviations below the mean a client’s score is: Mild: 70-85, Moderate 55-70 , Severe: 55 and lower.
Identify a child’s strengths by determining subtests scored within normal limits and individual test items the child scored correctly on. Subtests with scores below-normal and age-appropriate test items that a child scored incorrectly can be considered difficulties. These help formulate goals for intervention planning.
Application of CELF-5 in speech therapy
Speech therapists can identify a language delay and disorder by examining the results of a client’s scores on the CELF-5.
Standard scores determine the severity rating for a possible diagnosis of Expressive Language Disorder, Receptive Language Disorder, or Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder (if delays present in both areas).
The CELF-5 should be one component of a comprehensive language assessment that examines the individual’s receptive and expressive language skills.
Clinical observation and a thorough parent interview are needed in a language assessment. The Pragmatic Profile and Pragmatics Activities Checklist on the CELF-5 can be completed by the SLP (through clinical observations and an interview with the client’s parent/teacher) to assist with assessing a client’s social/pragmatic language skills.
By engaging the client in conversation, SLPs can make further observations of pragmatics. An interview with the client’s family and other professionals working with the client can provide additional information about social language skills across different environments.
Strategies for using CELF-5 in speech therapy
Specific language goals to target in therapy are developed based on the areas a client demonstrates difficulty on the CELF-5.
For example, if the client has difficulty applying grammatical structures on the Word Structure subtest (such as irregular past tense verbs or plural nouns), the SLP may want to incorporate goals in this area.
Identifying the client’s strengths should be a part of an individualized intervention plan. Considering these strengths can help the clinician develop intervention strategies. For instance, if a client’s receptive language skills are age-appropriate, the SLP can anticipate that they will be able to comprehend instructions provided during therapy tasks.
When targeting areas of difficulty from the CELF-5 as therapy goals, speech therapists can follow best practices by incorporating evidence-based intervention strategies. These strategies are found through research journals, academic databases like PubMed, ASHA, and peer collaboration.
Collaboration and communication with other professionals
It’s critical for SLPs to share the CELF-5 results with the rest of a client’s interdisciplinary team, including parents, teachers, and other therapists.
Speech therapists identify other areas of a client’s strengths or difficulties regarding language skills by collaborating with educators and psychologists. They can provide valuable information to influence a child’s language skills, such as IQ.
The CELF-5 results are included into the client’s comprehensive treatment plan. Team members can take a child’s areas of difficulty and strengths when working with them. For example, modifications can be made within a classroom.
Ethical considerations when administering the CELF-5
When administering the CELF-5, speech therapists should maintain cultural sensitivity and diversity. For instance, consider a client’s exposure to multiple languages, cultural background, native language, and prior cultural experiences when interpreting the results of the CELF-5.
Assessment data and results must be kept confidential to comply with HIPAA guidelines. Therapists must store record forms with identifying client information in a secure, confidential place and only discuss results with caregivers or individuals authorized/involved in the child’s care.
SLPs should only administer the CELF-5 if they have examined the administration and scoring guidelines thoroughly, and have been trained to give the assessment competently. This is to ensure the therapist adheres to professional standards and guidelines.
The CELF-5 is a valuable assessment tool that evaluates a child’s expressive and receptive language skills. Speech therapists can use the results to identify the presence of a disorder in these areas and to guide intervention by contributing to goal development.
SLPs can also use TheraPlatform, a comprehensive EHR, practice management and teletherapy tool to complete documentation and billing for speech and language evaluations. Consider starting with a free trial of TheraPlatform with no credit card required. Cancel anytime.
More resources
- Therapy resources and worksheets
- Therapy private practice courses
- Ultimate teletherapy ebook
- The Ultimate Insurance Billing Guide for Therapists
- The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Private Therapy Practice