Emerging practice areas in occupational therapy

Emerging practice areas in occupational therapy

Emerging practice areas in occupational therapy encompass ever-evolving practice domains to meet current world challenges and modern societal needs. Emerging practice areas in occupational therapy emulate the profession’s commitment to evidence-based research, innovation, and comprehensive, holistic, and client-centered care.


  • Emerging practice areas in occupational therapy, such as telehealth, assistive technology, and environmental sustainability, help meet evolving societal and healthcare needs.

  • Innovations in assistive technology, lifestyle medicine, and cultural competence are shaping occupational therapy, enhancing client-centered care and professional collaboration.

  • Staying informed about research and evidence-based practices ensures that occupational therapists continue to provide high-quality, effective interventions while advancing the profession.

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Emerging areas of occupational therapy may include tele-therapy, virtual reality (VR), aging in place, assistive technology, entrepreneurship, lifestyle medicine, environmental sustainability, and mental health and wellness. It is important to stay informed about new developments and trends in OT practice.

By staying current about the latest research, providers can ensure that their interventions are based on the best available evidence and are tailored to meet the needs of clients.

Emerging practice areas in occupational therapy contribute to expanding the scope of occupational therapy by addressing the unique needs of society such as providing remote access to assessment and intervention, promoting research and development, professional development, and interprofessional and interdisciplinary collaboration.

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Telehealth and virtual therapy services

The American Occupational Therapy Association defines telehealth as the application of evaluative, consultative, preventative, and therapeutic services delivered through telecommunication and information technologies.

Telehealth as a service delivery model and one of the emerging practice areas in occupational therapy can lead to improved access to care, and ameliorates the impact of personnel shortages in underserved areas by removing barriers to accessing care, including social stigma, travel, and socioeconomic and cultural barriers.

Occupational therapists can use telehealth to help clients in their homes, work, and school environments, provide education, and incorporate adaptive strategies and assistive technology.

Telehealth offers benefits to both the practitioner and the client.

Clinician benefits include:
  • Location

  • Flexibility

  • Salary flexibility

  • More practice options

  • Reduced or no commute

Clients can benefit from:
  • Increased access to care

  • Appointment flexibility Privacy

  • Lowered costs

On the other hand, there can be some potential challenges with teletherapy. Ethical issues may include confidentiality, adhering to professional standards, privacy and consent to treat.

Ethical issues related to occupational therapy through telehealth may include:
  • Inequality of client access, especially for those with cognitive impairment

  • Low socio-economic status making technology unaffordable

  • Living in remote areas with limited or no access to Internet services

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Assistive technology and innovations

Assistive technology as one of the emerging practice areas in occupational therapy can enhance independence and the quality of life of individuals. It allows for increased participation in ADL/IADL tasks, allows for client-centered and customized care to meet individual needs, and it enables clients to engage and interact with the environment around them.

Technology also promotes rehabilitation and the overall health and well-being of the individual.

Some examples of assistive technology include:
  • Powered mobility

  • Complex seating devices

  • Wearable devices

  • Robotics

  • Eye-gaze systems

  • Voice-activated systems

  • Smart-home modifications

  • Mobile applications

Lifestyle medicine and health promotion

Lifestyle medicine is one of the emerging practice areas in occupational therapy and focuses on modifying unhealthy behaviors and promoting healthy ones to prevent and manage chronic diseases.

Occupational therapists integrate the principles of lifestyle medicine and health promotion through comprehensive and holistic assessment and intervention methods, specifically regarding lifestyle factors such as sleep, hydration, nutrition, physical activity, stress, and social networks. Occupational therapists also collaborate with other healthcare professionals to address the vast needs of the client.

To effectively incorporate lifestyle medicine into clinical practice, occupational therapy professionals must adopt a holistic approach factoring in the patient's distinct needs, preferences, and objectives.

Through collaboration, education, and client-centered care, occupational therapists can integrate lifestyle medicine and promote health habits as a part of their practice.

Environmental sustainability and green occupational therapy

Green occupational therapy refers to a practice methodology that focuses on the relationship between humans, well-being, and the environment. It emphasizes sustainable living, eco-friendly intervention methods, and social and environmental justice.

Some examples of applications of green occupational therapy in various practice settings can be found below:

Healthcare: Out-patient clinics, hospitals, rehabilitation centers

  • Reducing waste

  • Recycling

  • Energy conservation

  • Utilizing eco-friendly materials


  • Energy-efficient home modifications including appliances and lighting


  • Educational seminars to promote healthy lifestyles
  • Sustainable gardening, cooking, and exercise programs Workplace:
    • Reducing carbon footprint
    • Education on transportation programs
    • Ergonomic assessments
    • Wellness programs

Cultural competence and diversity

A critical component of providing ethical, effective, and comprehensive occupational therapy services is having a knowledge and understanding of cultural competence and diversity which is considered one of the emerging practice areas in occupational therapy.

Culturally competent occupational therapy practitioners can implement clients’ cultures into assessments to create more impactful interactions and treatments.

Some emerging trends in cultural competence training and diversity initiatives within occupational therapy include the following:
  • Cultural humility: Flexibility; awareness of bias; a lifelong, learning-oriented approach to working with diversity

  • Global understanding: Cross-cultural practices, global practices, incorporating global occupational therapy models

  • Continuing education: Cultural competence, diversity, and inclusion training and workshops

  • Technology training: Access to remote learning opportunities to engage in cultural diversity training and practice cultural competence skills

Mental health and wellness promotion

The goal of occupational therapy in mental health is to assist all clients in developing and maintaining positive mental health, preventing mental illness, and recovering from mental health challenges in order to live full and productive lives.

Occupational therapists are expanding their roles in mental health in various areas of occupational therapy including early intervention, school-based, pediatric mental health, community-based mental health programs, home health, and workplace environments.

As another one of the emerging practice areas in occupational therapy approaches, mental health in occupational therapy include the following:
  • Coping and self-regulation

  • Mindfulness

  • Peer support groups

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Environmental modifications research and evidence-based practice

Research is a critical component of occupational therapy practice. The advantages of evidence-based practice in occupational therapy cannot be overstated.

Clinical decision-making based on the latest research and individual expertise can help:
  • Lower costs

  • Increase efficiency

  • Improve patient outcomes

Research and evidenced-based practice also leads to identifying trends, needs, and challenges within the field. It also promotes innovation, and intervention methodologies, and provides evidence for policy development and advocacy. Therapists have opportunities to contribute to research via professional development opportunities, publications, articles, case studies, and conducting research.


Overall, emerging practice areas in occupational therapy are now moving beyond the scope of traditional practice areas in order to meet the ever-changing needs of society. Occupational therapists play a pivotal role in embracing innovation and adapting to changing practice landscapes.

By embracing and adapting to emerging practice areas in occupational therapy such as technological advances, evidence-based practices, interprofessional collaboration, and a commitment to ongoing professional development, occupational therapists can provide efficient, quality, and client-centered care and promote the growth of the profession.

Streamline your practice with One EHR

  • Scheduling
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  • Billing & payments
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  • Client portal
  • Telehealth
  • E-fax


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  1. Addressing the challenges of evidence-based practice in occupational therapy. Addressing the Challenges of Evidence-Based Practice in Occupational Therapy | School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences | University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. https://www.shrs.pitt.edu/news/addressing-challenges-evidence-based-practice-occupational-therapy#:~:text=The%20benefits%20of%20evidence%2Dbased,most%20importantly%2C%20patient%20outcomes%20improve
  2. Agner, J. (2020). Moving from cultural competence to cultural humility in occupational therapy: A paradigm shift. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(4). https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2020.038067
  3. Anderson, F. Trends in occupational therapy research and practical applications for providers. Florida Occupational Therapy Association. https://www.flota.org/index.php?option=com_dailyplanetblog&view=entry&category=sis-articl e&id=101%3Atrends-in-occupational-therapy-research-and-practical-applications-for-provide rs#:~:text=By%20staying%20informed%20about%20the,the%20needs%20of%20their%20cli ents
  4. AOTA Ethics Advisory Opinion: Ethical Considerations in Telehealth. AOTA Ethical Considerations in Telehealth. https://www.oregon.gov/otlb/Documents/AOTA%20Ethical%20Considerations%20in%20Telehealth.pdf
  5. Media, S. (2023a, August 28). Virtual occupational therapy: Everything you need to know: USAHS. University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. https://www.usa.edu/blog/virtual-occupational-therapy/
  6. Media, S. (2023b, August 28). Virtual occupational therapy: Everything you need to know: USAHS. University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences. https://www.usa.edu/blog/virtual-occupational-therapy/
  7. Mental Health Promotion, Prevention, and Intervention. Occupational Therapy’s Distinct Value. https://www.aota.org/-/media/corporate/files/practice/mentalhealth/distinct-value-mental-health.pdf
  8. Montgomery, B. Developing Cultural Competence in Paradise. Aota.org https://www.aota.org/publications/student-articles/fieldwork/cultural-competence-paradise#:~: text=Fieldwork%20abroad%20allows%20for%20increased,more%20impactful%20interaction s%20and%20treatments
  9. Sadiq, I. Z. (2023). Lifestyle Medicine as a modality for prevention and management of chronic diseases. Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 18(5), 1115–1117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtumed.2023.04.001
  10. Telehealth. (2013). The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 67(6_Supplement). https://doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2013.67s69

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