Occupational Therapy 
Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in an occupational therapy practice

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a machine-based system that can make predictions, recommendations or decisions influencing virtual or real environments for a given set of human-defined objectives.
AI is already transforming healthcare practices and is revolutionizing healthcare and rehabilitation settings. AI can play a pivotal role in occupational therapy assessment, intervention, and monitoring aspects. Personalized recommendations generated by AI can support adherence to therapy plans and self-management strategies.
AI is being used to support virtual therapy, reduce administrative burden, monitor client activities, and analyze gait.
Additionally, in rehabilitation, AI robots can analyze a client's movements and progress, and adjust therapies and exercises in real-time to suit the specific needs of a client, offering a personalized rehabilitation experience. This adaptability may improve recovery and keep clients motivated and engaged throughout their rehabilitation.
AI also has a role in boosting assessment accuracy, personalizing interventions, enhancing independence, and improving communication as well as social interaction.
By utilizing the technological advancements of AI and navigating through potential challenges of AI, therapists can optimize care and empower clients with special needs and disabilities to achieve their full potential.

Understanding AI technologies
AI technologies have the potential to offer a series of tools and solutions pertinent to healthcare, rehabilitation, and an occupational therapy practice. AI can benefit the occupational therapy process including assessment, intervention, administrative tasks, education, and aging-in-place.
By utilizing AI technologies, occupational therapists can improve the accessibility, efficiency, effectiveness, and delivery of therapeutic services, and thereby contributing to positive patient outcomes.
Some AI advancements relevant to occupational therapy, healthcare, and rehabilitation and their application include the following:
- Virtual Reality (VR) and robots: Helps support education and training for students, family members, and caregivers. VR, robots, and teletherapy can provide exercises, and simulations, for improved functional outcomes.
- Wearable devices: May support clients with chronic disease management for continuous monitoring. Wearable devices and sensors can monitor vital signs, activity levels, and assist with medication management.
- Voice-controlled Intelligent Personal Assistants (VIPAs): OTs may use VIPAs to inform treatment recommendations for older adults in aging in their place of choice.
- Smart-home technologies: Help older adults aging-in-place through the detection of abnormal behavior (e.g., lack of movement for an extended period of time), cognitive impairment (by analyzing patterns of daily activities), daily activities (e.g., reminders to take medication), alerting when a fall has happened and monitoring sleep quality.
- Chat GPT/ChatBots: Can help OTs with external and internal documentation such as:
- Notes to parents
- Educational handouts
- Checklists
- Activities ideas
- Explanations for parents and clients
- Evaluation sections
- Treatment notes
ChatGPT and ChatBots can even be used to break writer’s block.
- Mobile Apps: Helps with appointment scheduling and reminders. Mobile apps can also monitor one’s mental health, nutritional/dietary intake, exercise, and overall health management.
- EHRs: Electronic health records and practice management tools like TheraPlatform use AI to help simplify administrative tasks by auto populating information into forms from driver’s licenses and insurance cards.
Applications of AI in occupational therapy
Using AI for assessment in occupational therapy can contribute to the comprehensive assessment process specifically in school settings.
For example, AI-powered assessments may provide more accurate and objective measurements of a students’ abilities and progress. AI assessments can analyze data from various sources, such as standardized tests, sensory assessments, and behavioral observations, to generate comprehensive profiles that inform intervention planning.
AI can then be utilized to assist with personalizing intervention and treatment plans.
Some AI-driven assessment and intervention tools can be found below:
- Machine Learning (ML): Algorithms help computer systems learn from data and improve performance without being explicitly programmed. In addition, machine learning algorithms can help analyze patient data (e.g., sensor data, imaging and medical records), to inform diagnosis and comprehension of conditions that affect occupational performance.
- Wearable devices: Tracks activity including physical activity, sleep, and nutrition. With this data, therapists can personalize and tailor treatment plans for the client.
- Natural Language Processing (NLP): Natural Language Processing enables computers to understand and interpret the human language. The algorithms in NLP can help with language-based interventions. It can also analyze self-report assessments, identify common themes, and provide additional qualitative data on patient experiences.
- Assistive technologies and robotics: Assist with performing ADL tasks such as feeding, dressing, and ambulation. Robots can use AI algorithms to understand commands and objects.
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Enhancing client-centered care with AI
Utilizing AI technology to tailor treatment plans and interventions to client preferences improves service quality, effectiveness, efficiency, and delivery of services.
AI algorithms analyze client data to provide useful information to tailor individualized and client-centered treatment plans and intervention methods. The data can also guide clinical decision-making when choosing appropriate intervention strategies and techniques.
AI data analytics can also provide information on individuals' trends, habits, and themes to identify potential future outcomes, challenges and risks. This can all be useful in implementing preventative measures, which contributes to improved client outcomes.
Addressing ethical and privacy considerations
The integration of AI technology into healthcare has no-doubt revolutionized medical and healthcare practices. However, there are a few critical ethical and privacy issues to consider.
AI not accessible to all societies.
Many developing and low-income countries do not yet have access to the latest technologies.
Other ethical dilemmas include:
- Informed consent
- Social gaps
- Medical consultation
- Privacy and data protection
- Practicing empathy, and sympathy
Autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice need to be practiced in all aspects of health care.
In teletherapy, using secure, encrypted video conferencing platforms and adhering to data protection regulations are essential to maintain confidentiality.
Furthermore, clients should be educated about best practices for virtual sessions, such as using private networks and securing personal devices.
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Training and professional development in AI
Leveraging AI technology in occupational therapy curricula and professional development can be beneficial to prepare students and therapists for the ever-evolving healthcare systems.
By providing a foundational knowledge of machine learning principles, natural language processing, robotics, and data analytics, as well as how AI technologies can be used to enhance and guide assessments, interventions, documentation, research, and professional development, AI can truly assist with improving client outcomes.
Furthermore, collaboration with AI technology, experts can lead to improved educational outcomes for students, enhance research and innovation, and ultimately contribute to the enhancement of the profession.
Future directions and challenges
Concerning occupational therapy and AI, emerging trends are continuously offering innovative solutions to effective delivery of occupational therapy practice. Some emerging trends include wearable devices, smart prosthetics, robotics, NLPs, tele-therapy, and virtual reality (VR). While AI can offer exciting benefits, it is pertinent to consider ethical and regulatory principles such as data security, privacy, informed consent, and biases.
It is also important to have awareness and training in AI technologies to improve the ability of therapists to integrate AI tools into practice. With improved education and training in AI technology, AI can truly revolutionize occupational therapy practice. AI technology can personalize assessments, and interventions, and enhance the overall workflow and delivery of practice.
Overall, integrating AI technologies with occupational therapy has tremendous potential to enhance client-centered care, improve assessment methods, and treatment outcomes, and positively contribute to the profession.
By embracing technological innovations, collaboration with AI technology experts, and a commitment to continuous professional development and upholding ethical boundaries and principles of occupational therapy, occupational therapists can utilize AI technology to contribute to the well-being and autonomy of clients.

TheraPlatform is an all-in-one EHR, practice management, and teletherapy software built for therapists to help them save time on admin tasks. It offers a 30-day risk-free trial with no credit card required and supports different industries and sizes of practices, including occupational therapists in group and solo practices.
More resources
- Therapy resources and worksheets
- Therapy private practice courses
- Ultimate teletherapy ebook
- The Ultimate Insurance Billing Guide for Therapists
- The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Private Therapy Practice
- Insurance billing 101
- Practice management tools
Free video classes
- Free on-demand insurance billing for therapist course
- Free mini video lessons to enhance your private practice
- 9 Admin tasks to automate in your private practice
AI and School Occupational Therapy and Rehabilitation. https://teachflow.ai (2023, September 18). https://teachflow.ai/ai-and-school-occupational-therapy-and-rehabilitation
Ai, S. (2024, April 24). AI-Driven Robotics Transforming Healthcare and rehabilitation. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/ai-driven-robotics-transforming-healthcare-rehabilitation-sonyc-io-cb5df
Al Kuwaiti, A., Nazer, K., Al-Reedy, A., Al-Shehri, S., Al-Muhanna, A., Subbarayalu, A.V., Al Muhanna, D., & Al-Muhanna, F. A. (2023). A Review of the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 13(6), 951. A Review of the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Artificial Intelligence (AI) - United States Department of State. https://www.state.gov/artificial-intelligence
Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists. Occupational Therapy, Artificial Intelligence and Technology. https://caot.ca/document/8063/OT%20&%20AI_Final%20Copy_EN.pdf
Farhud, D. D., & Zokaei, S. (2021). Ethical issues of Artificial Intelligence in medicine and Healthcare. Iranian Journal of Public Health. Chooser
Harvison, PhD, OTR, FNAP, FAOTA. Staff Updates: Higher education. AOTA. https://www.aota.org/-/media/corporate/files/educationcareers/alc-2023/higher-education_-fall-2023.pdf
Martini, B. (2024, March 4). Enhancing Occupational Therapy through AI: A Deep Dive into the PEOP Model. Everbility Blog. Enhancing Occupational Therapy Through AI: A Deep Dive into the PEOP Model
Medenica, Veselin & Ivanović, Lidija & Ristic, Ivana & Čolić, Gordana. (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Occupational Therapy and Special Education and Rehabilitation. (PDF) Artificial intelligence in occupational therapy and special education and rehabilitation therapy_and_special_education_and_rehabilitation
Private occupational therapy and sensory integration: The OT centre - article: Occupational therapy in the Digital Era. Private Occupational Therapy and Sensory Integration | The OT Centre - Article: Occupational Therapy in the Digital Era.