Speech Therapy 

Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults is one of the many tools used by speech language pathologists to evaluate a person’s ability to communicate. Speech therapy plays a critical role in helping adults improve their communication skills and enhance their overall quality of life. Speech therapy is often recommended for adults who have challenges with verbal expression, articulation, comprehension, or stuttering. Sometimes, this is due to medical diagnoses such as stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI), progressive conditions, and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Effective communication is essential for participating in daily interactions, developing relationships, and fostering success in academic, professional, and various other aspects of life. In the realm of speech therapy, effective treatment starts with a comprehensive, accurate evaluation.
The ASHA Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASHA FACS) is a valuable evaluation tool that can be used to assess and diagnose communication disorders in adults. In this guide to the Functional Assessment of Communication Skills, we’ll explore the test’s benefits, challenges, and associated special considerations. We’ll also provide speech therapists with a comprehensive overview of the assessment and tips for utilizing the Functional Assessment of Communication Skills with their clients.
Understanding the ASHA Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASHA FACS)
The ASHA Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASCHA-FACS) is a standardized assessment that can be used to measure the functional communication skills of adults with speech, language, and cognitive impairments.
Initially developed in 1995 by Frattali, Holland, Thompson, Wohl, and Ferketic, the revised 2017 edition includes a revised and updated manual that contains studies and a case example. This most updated version also includes information about research on the use of the ASHA FACS and descriptions of additional measures of functional communication.
The ASHA FACS measures 43 items across 4 domains:
- Social communication
- Communication of basic needs
- Reading/Writing/Number concepts
- Daily planning
Within each of these domains, the speech therapist rates specific functional behaviors on a 7-point scale of independence. This rating ranges from “does” the task independently through “does not” complete the task, with varying degrees of independence in between.
The social communication domain, for example, assesses the client’s ability to exchange information, understand facial expressions and tone of voice, and comprehend nonliteral meaning, in addition to other tasks.
The ASHA FACS includes a printed score summary and profile forms that can be photocopied, as well as a ratings card. A downloadable Excel spreadsheet is provided with the FACS, which allows the test administrator to calculate scores. It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.
Speech therapists can use the results of the ASHA FACS assessment to identify an individual’s strengths and challenges across various areas of communication. This enables the therapist to diagnose communication disorders in adults, and to create a tailored therapy intervention plan.
Benefits and advantages of using the FACS in speech therapy for adults
The ASHA FACS offers a comprehensive evaluation of an adult’s functional communication skills. This allows speech therapists to assess specific aspects of communication, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the client’s abilities.
Speech therapists are able to use the results of the ASHA FACS to personalize a client’s therapy intervention. Areas of weakness identified on the test results can serve as potential goals. Strengths can be considered when planning intervention strategies and activities.
The ASHA FACS provides a benchmark for measuring a client’s progress in speech therapy over time. Comparing the results of an initial administration of the test with periodic re-administrations allows therapists to track improvements and adjust therapy techniques and goals accordingly
Effective communication allows adults to actively participate in social, academic, and professional situations. Completing a comprehensive evaluation of an adult client’s functional communication abilities, can improve the speech therapist’s ability to develop an effective treatment plan. The communication skills developed in speech therapy can significantly enhance the client’s quality of life.
Challenges and considerations with the FACS Assessment
As with any assessment tool, the ASHA FACS comes with certain challenges that require special considerations.
First, proper training is vital for completing the FACS assessment accurately. The speech therapist should be thoroughly familiar with the test items and procedures prior to administering the test.
The examiner should be familiar with the client prior to rating his or her communication skills on the ASHA FACS. Therapists may also obtain judgment and input from family members, other professionals, and caretakers to take into account when completing the ratings. Therefore, it’s important to clearly explain test items to those individuals.
Potential cultural biases within assessments should also be considered. It’s important for therapists to keep the client’s cultural and linguistic background in mind, as these factors may affect an individual’s ratings on some skills.
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Tips for speech therapists utilizing FACS
When administering the ASHA FACS, Speech Therapists are encouraged to consider the following tips:
- Build trust and rapport. To accurately rate a client’s functional communication skills, several observational sessions may be required.
- Seek input from family members and caregivers. These individuals should actively participate in the assessment process, as they typically have a deep understanding of the client’s communication skills across daily situations.
- Create a customized therapy plan. Challenges identified on the ASHA FACS should be considered along with the individual needs and input of the client themself and caregivers to develop a tailored intervention plan.
- Proper training is required. ASHA certified Speech Language Pathologists should receive training and ample familiarization with the assessment before utilizing it.
Following these suggestions can ensure that the ASHA FACS is administered accurately. This can also ensure the results of the assessment provide the therapist with valuable information surrounding the client’s functional communication abilities.
The ASHA Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASHA FACS) is a valuable tool for speech therapy evaluations with adults. Speech therapists can utilize this assessment to comprehensively evaluate a client’s communication skills, create a comprehensive intervention plan, and measure progress in therapy.
By facilitating effective speech therapy intervention, use of the ASHA FACS can enhance an individual’s ability to effectively communicate with others, thereby improving their quality of life.
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More resources
- Therapy resources and worksheets
- Therapy private practice courses
- Ultimate teletherapy ebook
- The Ultimate Insurance Billing Guide for Therapists
- The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Private Therapy Practice